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Organization of teaching activities

Courses' organization

Mandatory Courses SSD Year Sem.  Credits
DP - Distributed Programming for Web, IoT and Mobile Systems INF/01 I I 6
AMA-CPS - Architecture, Model and Analysis of Cyber Physical Systems INF/01 I I/II 12
AST - Automated Software Testing INF/01 I II 6
SAM - Software Architectures and Methodologies ING-INF/05 I II 6
SPE - Software Performance Engineering INF/01 II I 6
CNS - Computer and Network Security INF/01
II I 12
Attività di approfondimento: Bootcamp - II II 3
Prova finale: Sviluppo lavoro di tesi - II II 24
Prova finale - II II 3
Computer Science Optional Courses SSD Sem. Credits
DCML - Data Collection and Machine Learning for Critical Cyber-Physical Systems INF/01 I 6
MLSA - Machine Learning for Software Analysis  INF/01 I 6
SD - Software Dependability ING-INF/05 I 6
SPM - Software Project Management INF/01 I 6
GD - Game Development INF/01 II 6
PT - Penetration Testing INF/01 II 6
QESM - Quantitative Evaluation of Stochastic Models ING-INF/05 II 6
RRTC - Resiliency, Real Time and Certification INF/01 II 6
Related Topics Optional Courses SSD Sem. CFU
ENC - Elements of Numerical Calculus MAT/08 I 6
ORO - Operations Research and Optimization MAT/09 I 6
OML - Optimization and Machine Learning for Dynamical Systems ING-INF/04 II 6
SMCS - Statistical Methods for Computer Science SECS-S/01 II 6






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